Emperor battle for dune widescreen
Emperor battle for dune widescreen

I remember reading an Emperor: Battle for Dune review, that the battle tend to be repetitive, because the battle of each province is randomly generated instead of meticulously scripted like, say, Warcraft III. While the story isn't really bad, I'm not quite paying attention to it since I'm too busy playing the mission. My most favorite is Emperor: Battle for Dune, playing as House Atreides. Westwood RTS, on the other hand, have exciting mission. Warcraft III mission feels "less chore" than Starcraft mission, but still. Yes, Starcraft and Warcraft III have great story, but each mission feels almost like chore to advance the story. For some reason I can't quite explain, I like Westwood RTS than Blizzard RTS.

Emperor battle for dune widescreen